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May 2, 2015

Lenten Lessons Learned

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I never really "got" Lent. I know there are a lot of variations in the way it is observed, and this little post is in no way meant to be a commentary on what you do or don't do during Lent. Mostly, I think it will illustrate how badly I've missed the point all these years, but I figure I can't be the only one who appreciates a good "a-ha!" moment.

I have never given up anything for Lent, and I have traditionally exempted myself on the basis of one or both of these arguments: 1) it seems legalistic, 2) somehow, giving up Pinterest or chocolate or some other inconsequential thing for a few weeks seems like a terribly inadequate gesture in light of what Christ did for me. (Note that I didn't say they were good arguments).

And so it was sheer coincidence that I happened to swear off my favorite snack shortly before Lent this year.